Call to Action!

We are joining The Arc New York in a multi-pronged campaign to push back against administrative cuts handed down from New York State Department of Health (DOH) and the Office for People with Developmental Disabilities (OPWDD). These actions could jeopardize the residential stability of our family, friends, and loved ones. The most egregious cut, planned to go into effect on October 1, 2020, would reduce payments to voluntary providers like Arc of Onondaga by 50% whenever individuals with intellectual or developmental disabilities leave to spend time with family or are admitted to the hospital for care. This is completely unconscionable. We need your help!
Right now, your state legislators could be away from their district offices and the capitol, so it is important that they know what is going on when they might not be there. These cuts bypass the budget process and we want to stress that legislators should not abdicate their authority as our elected representatives. We must hold them accountable for what happens within state government. It is our responsibility to share our story, convey the impact, and call for change!
Our goal is simple, but we need your help. You can take quick action now by contacting your legislators through The Arc New York’s online advocacy platform, and stay involved as we continue working to oppose these cuts. CLICK HERE TO GET STARTED.
Stage One: Help us flood offices with letters and calls.
Stage Two: Watch for announcements of online meetings with chapters, advocates, families, and other advocates and their representatives.
There is no end date to this fight. We will continue to advocate for our priorities and for quality supports and a rich, full live for New Yorkers with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
Please share this link with your friends and family in New York, and empower them to take action!