New Website Aims to Prevent Abuse in NYS

The website has been officially launched!
Help them reach out to people with disabilities and all those who care about them to prevent abuse from happening. Please share this information by emailing it to your constituents, sharing it on your social media, linking to your website, or including it in your agency’s newsletter.
Funded by the New York State Developmental Disabilities Planning Council, endAbuse of People with Disabilities is a new website that provides a repository of accurate and reliable resources about the abuse of people with disabilities. Users of can access multi-media content that offers information about the forms of abuse, targets of abuse, peer-to-peer support, and advocacy. Additionally, those in need have the ability to get immediate assistance from the “Get Help Now” section which includes a “quick escape” browsing option.
For the next few months visitors to the website will be asked to take a survey and give feedback. Let them know what you think! There are many ways that you can take action to stop abuse, neglect, and exploitation in the community. One way is to spread the word to #endAbuse. Please visit to gain instant access to accessible content, peer support, and links to give and receive help. Use the hashtag #endAbuse to join the conversation on social media. Together, everyone can prevent the abuse of people with disabilities!